1. i would go back in time and give captain underpants to myself becase it is acutally hilarious and i would be the envy of all of my friends because i would have such a cool book

  2. I would give To Kill a Mockingbird to my younger self if i could go back in time because I’ve heard of its reputation and the plot and I think I would’ve learned many lessons from that book. The book may not seem so appealing or interesting at first, and probably that’s why I haven’t read it yet–but it’s definitely on my book list! I still wish I would’ve read the book when I was younger.

  3. I would give myself, The Hunger Games. It was such a great book. I think my younger self would really like it. It is the kind of adventure story that I really love since I was little. I would’ve loved the cool design of the game.

  4. This summer, I discovered Ernest Hemingway. Every book is beautifully written and direct, but one stood out among the others to me: A Farewell to Arms. This is not a typical love story, instead one that ends abruptly without any closure. I wish that I had found this book when I was younger, even a year ago, because then maybe now I’d either understand or accept that ending.

  5. well I would give myself a book I would not end up reading in the future, so I would give myself The Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gatsby because they are classics but I have not really gotten around to reading them yet

  6. I would give my younger self a copy of The Giver. I choose this one over Harry Potter because I read HP in 2nd grade so going any younger would result in a confused me. I chose the Giver because i wasn’t introduced to the book until 8th grade, and it has interesting concepts. However, I wouldn’t give the entire series to myself since later books get too philosophical and wouldn’t be the most interesting to younger me.

  7. I would give myself a younger The Giver. I didn’t read the book until around 7th grade and I wish I had read it sooner. It was a gift from a friend, the complete series of the Giver in one book. I read the entire thing within a few days and it’s still one of my favorite books.

  8. I would give my younger self a copy of Junie B. Jones. I was introduced to these series in like sixth grade and I wished I would have read them earlier. It is such a funny book to read that always kept me entertained. Junie B. Jones is really funny and I think my younger self could really relate to her.

  9. If I could go back in time i would give myself, Harry Potter. I would give myself Harry Potter because, i would get to read the books instead of just watching the movies so, that i could both ways. I could see if the books and the movies are anything alike cause, the Percy Jackson movies were nothing like the books.

  10. If I could I would give myself The Mysterious Benedict Society, it features orphaned genius children who are brought together to fight an evil mastermind with their unique gifts. The journey to find their place in the world as a family I something I can completely relate to. A bonus is all the riddles and puzzles scattered through the series.

  11. I would give myself The Giver. I read this book in 5th grade and then again in 7th and could never stop reading it. Not only was it interesting but it also taught me that the world may seem perfect but there is also something we are all missing. If I never read this book my life would be different.

  12. If I could bring a book back to my younger self, I would bring back The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Of course, sometimes banned books are banned due to the way they explicitly cover sensitive themes. However, The Hunger Games is a classic, modern day series that depicts strong women, authorities who aren’t as noble as they seem, and thrilling action that could keep me on my toes the entire time. My younger self would enjoy the eccentric characters, the support they give each other, and the sheer amount of hope that radiates from this book and its sequels. It would be a novel that would provide to me examples of friends worth sacrificing everything for, hope in places of darkness, and strength to stand up to bullies who think they can get away with their tyranny and corruption.

  13. I would give myself The Lord of The Rings. I have not read the books (they look good, but they are just so long) yet, but I still think it would have had a good impact on my life. For a period in time between some time in middle school and freshman year, I stopped reading. Reading Lord of the Rings might have taken long enough that I might have rekindled my interest in the process and prevented me from stopping.

  14. I would give my younger self The Wizard of Oz because I always loved the movie, but the book has slightly different details that the movie doesn’t always follow. Like any movie based off of a book, it will never be as good as the original story.

  15. I am ashamed to say that I did not read the Harry Potter series until the 8th grade. I don’t know why I never decided to read and watch it before. So if I could go back, I would give the entire Harry Potter series to my 3rd grade self. I would’ve loved to cherish this series for longer than I have.

  16. I would go back in time and give myself all of the books of the Harry Potter series. I know that Harry Potter was popular when I was a kid, but I never got around to reading all of the books. The Harry Potter series is full of magic and mystery that I would have enjoyed as a kid. Also, I would have enjoyed watching the movies the moment they came out over the years.

  17. The book that I would give to my younger self would probably be Fahrenheit 451. I have heard many great things about it. I also believe it is historical if I am remembering correctly, which would appeal to me. It seems like I would be interested in this book.

  18. I would go back and give myself the Harry Potter series because it it such a great adventure I would have loved to read that younger than I did.

  19. If I could go back in time and give myself one of the banned books I would give myself the Harry Potter series. I have never read the series but have always wanted to. I feel that if i gave the series to my younger self, i would have more time to read the books and get the most out of it. I will still try to read the series when i can.

  20. It is very difficult to think of a book to give myself when I was younger to read, because I read a lot of books back then. One that I would want my younger self to read is Catcher in the Rye, because I think it is a good transition book for tougher literary works.

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