Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Love – a magical, powerful, and risky emotion all in one. Most individuals believe that when you love someone you will do anything for them even if it means risking your life. Fully knowing about this incredible power of love typically comes with years of experience and interaction, as do most other things in life. But how would a girl know how to deal with falling in love, if she has never experienced life outside her house? Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon is a compelling novel about a girl who learns about the relentless yet enchanting power of love after living an entire life trapped in a bubble. Her world changes once she falls in love with the boy next door, and faces new opportunities, risks, and even the possibility of death.

The protagonist, Madeline Whittier, is not your typical eighteen year old girl. While most girls her age have spent the majority of their lives going to school, shopping, getting their nails done, and hanging out with friends, she’s spent her entire life inside her house. At a very young age, Madeline was diagnosed with a form of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) disorder: a rare disease where one is allergic to practically everything. Contact with any foreign substance, food, plant, or chemical, can trigger a fatal allergic reaction. Luckily, Madeline’s bold, resilient, and optimistic personality is truly admirable and this enables her to focus on the bright side of things rather than grieving over all her limitations.

One day, however, something extraordinary happens: a family with a teenage boy moves into the house next door. Madeline immediately notices the boy, Olly, who is quite attractive. After several days of Madeline spying from the window of her room, the two end up exchanging emails and they gradually fall in love. After a while, Madeline nearly reaches her breaking point, and no longer wants to stay captive inside her own house. She makes a brave, rebellious decision to be with the boy she loves. Her unforgettable adventure gives her a taste of life but also death.

A love story doesn’t always have to be the perfect idea of a boy and girl meeting each other, falling in love, and living happily ever after. Madeline’s unique love story is one that will keep you on the edge of your seat, wanting to read more. The novel’s distinctive feature is what captured my attention. Madeline is not your typical eighteen year old and the novel is not your typical love story, but an unforgettable one, with suffering, sacrifice, and risk. In regards to Madeline and her unusual illness, the story emphasizes the “dangerous” aspect of falling in love. Author Nicola Yoon successfully highlights the imperfections in our world while also stressing the importance of hope and determination. Yoon reminds the readers how love can make a person do some crazy things, which is something a lot of teens can easily relate to. The flip of every page unveils a more exciting and heartwarming plot. It gets the readers thinking about the things in life that are really worth fighting for.

Everything, Everything took me on journey unlike ever before. I became immersed in the characters’ lives. There were moments were I tried to empathize with Madeline, then realized how difficult it is to truly put myself in her shoes. I could never imagine what it would be like to be forced to stay indoors my entire life. There were times were I wanted to reach out and give Olly a hug for being so patient, and caring towards Madeline. Other moments filled my heart with warmth as I saw the unbreakable bond of love unveil between Olly and Madeline. By the end, the story reveals how love ultimately has no boundaries and you simply cannot live life without taking risks. If you are interested in a unique twist on a romantic novel, I would definitely suggest reading this book!

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